A "crystal array" refers to a collection or arrangement of crystals that can be used for a variety of purposes, such as in healing practices, energy work, or decorative displays. A healing array is an arrangement of certain crystals designed to amplify and direct energies for healing, meditation, manifestation, or protection.
A Heart Chakra Crystal Array is designed for the purpose of opening, balancing, and healing the Heart Chakra, which is known as Anahata in Sanskrit. The Heart Chakra is the fourth primary chakra and is located in the center of the chest, associated with the color green and sometimes pink. It governs issues of love, compassion, acceptance, and trust.
- Energy Work: Practitioners of crystal healing believe that crystals have specific energies that interact with the body's energy field. An array can be designed to target and rebalance chakras or specific areas in a person's life.
- Meditation: Crystal arrays are often used to create a peaceful and helpful meditation space to help individuals achieve a deeper level of relaxation or spiritual connection.
- MANIFESTATION: By arranging crystals with intention, the user aims to amplify their thoughts and turn their wishes into reality.
- PROTECTION: Some arrays are set up in the belief that they can protect a person or space from negative energies or influences.
💗Strawberry Quartz
The energies of Strawberry Quartz resonate with the heart chakra. It will unlock, activate, and stimulate this chakra so that you will enjoy a more heart-centered awareness. Strawberry Quartz will help you look at your life experiences with love, acceptance, and joy. It will inspire you to give more love away, and this, in turn, will attract more loving energies to you. Strawberry Quartz will encourage positive bonds between family, friends, or lovers. It will attract and enhance your loving and caring nature, and it will eliminate anything of a negative nature. This crystal is very helpful when you find it challenging to be in social circles. It will give you comfort and confidence while instilling strong feelings of security.
Some believe that the stone’s calming properties produce soothing dreams by making us more in tune with the divine. The stone also brings clarity and peacefulness to the waking mind, as they help the mind flow freely in both the mental and metaphysical dimensions.It is said to dispel rage, help manage fears and anger, and calm rage and anxiety.Other believed benefits of amethyst include the ability to alleviate sadness and grief and dissolving negativity. The colour of this gem is also connected to activating spiritual awareness, welcoming intuitive energies and enhancing one’s psychic abilities.
💗Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is connected with the feminine divine, meaning that it carries the aura of compassion and peace and the warmth of mothering – all with the superior strength of spirit. If you feel you need to learn how to self soothe, to be healed by your own hands, and to uplift your own potential into the goddess sphere, then Rose Quartz is a path that will take you there.
- Name: Olivenorma Original Stones Energy Generator Chakra Heart Crystal Array
- Category: Crystal Array
- Genuine Gemstones: Strawberry Quartz,Amethyst,Rose Quartz(Reference Picture)
- Total number of crystals:15-29 pieces
- Weight: Approx 500-700kg