Olivenorma Citrine Wealth Metatron's Cube Orgone Pyramid
Olivenorma Citrine Wealth Metatron's Cube Orgone Pyramid
Olivenorma Citrine Wealth Metatron's Cube Orgone Pyramid
Olivenorma Citrine Wealth Metatron's Cube Orgone Pyramid
Olivenorma Citrine Wealth Metatron's Cube Orgone Pyramid
Olivenorma Citrine Wealth Metatron's Cube Orgone Pyramid
Olivenorma Citrine Wealth Metatron's Cube Orgone Pyramid

Olivenorma Citrine Wealth Metatron's Cube Orgone Pyramid

Regular price $47.99 Sale price$33.59 Save $14.40

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The Olivenorma Citrine Wealth Metatron's Cube Orgone Pyramid is a powerful symbol of abundance and positive energy. Meticulously crafted, this pyramid features the vibrant energy of citrine crystals combined with the sacred geometry of Metatron's Cube. It enhances manifestation and prosperity while purifying and balancing the surrounding environment.



Citrine is known to promote wealth and fortune, taking your already existing intentions and magnifying them, utilizing orgone energy to align your manifestations with the universe’s gifts. It assures your emotional wellbeing, helping you to connect with your inner self and pursue your financial goals with clarity and conviction.

🤍Clear Crystal

Clear Crystal is a general amplifier that resonates with any other crystal in its vicinity, exponentially increasing its effects. It opens and activates your Crown Chakra, ensuring you’re ready to receive the universe’s spiritual energies and the gifts it sends your way. This crystal’s amplification keeps you from tunnel visioning when pursuing your goals, allowing you to see the big picture and putting roadblocks and rejections into perspective – sometimes, it’s just not time yet.

It’s only natural to dream of wealth. Currency is a cornerstone of our society, but this Citrine Wealth Metatron’s Cube Orgone Pyramid channels the metaphysical laws of attraction to pull money and luck your way, channeling it into a vortex of good fortune with you at the center. Sacred geometry is channeled through Metatron’s Cube, an arrangement of shapes that represents the balance and harmony of the universe’s energy. It is the cornerstone of everything, providing a stable foundation for anything built upon it. Metatron himself is one of the highest ranked angels, guarding heaven’s secrets from prying eyes. His power is echoed here in this geometric arrangement, attracting positive forces and not only repelling but dispelling negative ones entirely.

This gorgeous, honey-colored pyramid has several positive energetic effects, including promoting your spiritual and psychological growth and strengthening your intentions and visualizations. It amplifies your financial manifestations until wealth and success are flooding into your life. Use it as a center piece for money rituals or to attract abundance into your life.


  • Meditate with an orgonite pyramid in your hand, direct your attention toward it-feel and sense the energy emanating from it. 
  • Put them near your TV, computer or any electric devices. Orgone energy minimizes EMF radiation from electronic devices, which has the potential to cause cancer and depression.
  • Carry a piece of orgone around you during the day. Place some pieces at your work desk or office. The benefits of the orgone will be transmitted to all within its vicinity. And make your workplace a friendlier and happier place.
  • Place them around your community and any other places you think need healing. Wherever you place these orgone pyramid, they keep the air and life force in the home clean and positive. 
  • Place an orgone pyramid or necklace around your dog’s leash. This way, they are being protected and helped at all times too.
  • Cleanse any crystals with the orgone pyramid, just as you would harness the energy of the Sun or water to cleanse your crystals.
  • Take a bath with an orgone pyramid placed in the water for relaxing, soothing, detoxifying and revitalizing effects.
  • Place a piece of orgone pyramid underneath your pillow, can effectively relieve insomnia, and your sleep will be restful and energizing.
  • Place a piece of orgone pyramidin your fridge. It will make your food last longer and taste better by charging it with POE.


  • Name: Olivenorma Citrine Wealth Metatron's Cube Orgone Pyramid
  • Genuine gemstones: Citrine,Clear Crystal
  • Origin: India
  • Size: 1.97''*1.97''(5cm X 5cm) / 2.36''*2.36''(6cm X 6cm)  / 3.14''*3.14(8cm X 8cm) / 3.93''*3.93''(10cm X 10cm)
  • Gold metal shavings
  • Eco-friendly resin


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  • Responsible shipping and customer service
  • Orders will be processed within one business day

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