Olivenorma Real Turquoise Reiki Healing Crystal Tumbled Stone
Olivenorma Real Turquoise Reiki Healing Crystal Tumbled Stone
Olivenorma Real Turquoise Reiki Healing Crystal Tumbled Stone
Olivenorma Real Turquoise Reiki Healing Crystal Tumbled Stone
Olivenorma Real Turquoise Reiki Healing Crystal Tumbled Stone
Olivenorma Real Turquoise Reiki Healing Crystal Tumbled Stone

Olivenorma Real Turquoise Reiki Healing Crystal Tumbled Stone

Regular price $17.04 Sale price$11.59 Save $5.45


Real Turquoise Reiki tumbled stone is a high-quality crystal known for its vibrant blue-green hue and spiritual significance. It promotes emotional healing, fosters inner peace, and protects against negative energies. This stone is ideal for Reiki and meditation practices, enhancing communication and balancing energy. Its smooth tumbled form is perfect for carrying or incorporating into energy healing sessions.



This beautiful blue stone simmers with all the shades of the ocean, connecting to the throat chakra so you can speak your truth, and ensuring that your inner critic stays shushed. It’s healing energy is all about serenity and peace – just like stepping out into the cooling hues of calm waters on a hot day. For those who are feeling burnt out or like their spirit is being weighed down, this stone knows how to effectively heal those life traps, so you can shake free and step into your own space rather than trying to cram all your feelings into a box. It is a stone of communication, both with others and with our own selves. Sometimes, our inner critic is given too much space, but this stone brings wise words and ideas to pass without the threat of our own judgement.


  • Protection From the Evil Eye. Tiger Eye Gemstone has been the guardian of the wearer. The stone keeps the ill wishes of enemies and jealousy from the close ones away.
  • Better Stability. Tiger Eye gemstone is known to bring stability to one’s head and soul. A cooler mind, clear decision-making, and staying grounded give the wearer better stability in different aspects of life.
  • Healing. Tiger Eye is a great companion to heal chronic pain, detoxify the body and improve the strength of the spine.
  • Overcoming Addiction. Addiction is usually a sign of instability. If you are trying to quit something addictive and falling, again and again, Tiger Eye Stone can be the best healing stone for you.
  • Monetary Gain. This protection stone might not be a key to gaining all the wealth in the world, but it surely can help you find the best possible way to do it.


  • Mindfulness, Meditation, and Spiritual Healing: Tumbled stones are soothing and peaceful gems, known to calm stressful environments. They aid in decision-making and help offer clarity. When it comes to the body, they assist with support during healing of physical ailments such as chronic and long-term illness, as well as with pain relief.
  • Balancing Chakras: Choose the type of rolling stone based on the chakra concerned. Place them on parts of your body that often make you uncomfortable. You can also hold it in your hand and place it in the center of your body so that the chakra energies align.
  • Home Decor: A large bowl of tumbled stones can be a beautiful decoration in any space or even a potted plant. Tumbled stones provide cleansing energy to your home. It also provides healing, since it radiates positive energy to you and your home.
  • Placed in the Workplace: Tumbled stone provides energy that is beneficial to you and your business. It attracts prosperity, abundance, and money. Another thing is that it can also aid in making your intentions and manifestation come through and be effective in working in your career.


  • Name: Olivenorma Real Turquoise Reiki Healing Crystal Tumbled Stone
  • Category: Crystal Tumbled Stone
  • Origin: India
  • Genuine gemstones: Turquoise
  • Stone Size: 2-5cm
  • Each Set Weighs: Approx 100g 
  • Set of 3-5 unique and genuine Turquoise gemstones
  • Each crystal is a unique creation of our mother nature. It is normal to find natural form of crack lines, holes, inclusions, and other minerals inside or on


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