Are you open to the signals of the universe?
Have you ever wondered what has led you down a certain path or drawn you to a specific situation?
Tarot is a conversation facilitated by the mystical and higher powers, between the reader and the person whose cards are being read. Tarot holds a mirror to oneself and what is already within. It can guide daily decision making or help elucidate the path forward in times of great transition.
When we turn to tarot for guidance, we’ve taken a huge step in our spiritual growth. Our collection is a celebration of your truest self and the magic that guides us in day-to-day life. Embrace the signals of the universe and find which cards you are drawn to.
The Fool - beginnings. innocence. spontaneity. a free spirit
As with the upright meaning, The Fool reversed signifies a new beginning. However, when reversed this Major Arcana trump card indicates that the beginning is something you may be reluctant to jump into. This new beginning is still coming either way! The Fool tarot card reversed can be an indication of living in the moment but also can be a sign that in your excitement you are behaving somewhat recklessly towards others. It can signify being irrational, lack of fun and lack of faith or hope.
The High Priestess - intuition. sacred knowledge. divine feminine. the subconscious mind
The meaning of the High Priestess is related with inner knowledge. Her appearance in a reading can signify that it is time for you to listen to your intuition rather than prioritizing your intellect and conscious mind. When the High Priestess shows up it can depict an archetype known as the divine feminine - the mysterious female that understands and holds the answers to the deep unknowns; religion, self, nature. She represents someone that is intuitive, and beginning to open to her or his spirituality. Meditation, prayer and new spiritual work is indicated.
The Empress - creativity . fertility . fulfillment . productivity
The etching of the woman represents a strong connection with our femininity, and serves as a reminder to the wearer to champion nurturing, romance and creative expression within herself. The crescent moon signifies sacred energy and symbolizes the universe charging through us, whereas the beautiful rainbow signifies the creation of life and new chapters and opportunities.
Lovers - spure love . harmony . partnerships
You have drawn The Lovers card. Concerning matters of the heart, you are welcoming a connection with a twin flame. This connection is not exclusive to romance but refers to a bond that will bring you great unity and balance. This card also symbolises choice and prioritising what brings you the most love and fulfillment in your life. Understanding your boundaries and what is most important to you will be brought to the fore. Never forget: your most divine self is your truest self. Lean into this and you will reap the rewards.
Strength - truimph . resolve . strength
You have drawn the Strength tarot card. You are a tenacious individual who demonstrates astonishing self-determination and courage. Getting this card signals a triumphant conclusion to a great adversity you are currently experiencing. You can feel at ease knowing your hard work will pay off. Anything you put your mind to, will be yours. Manifest light, majesty and resilience into your life with this necklace.
The Moon: intuition . secrets . complexity
There are often times in life when things seem out of focus and we have to dive deep to think about what we value the most. The Moon Card asks you to step away from distractions in order to embark on a journey of self-discovery. The path ahead reveals your spiritual journey in this life, and only through the illuminated light of the moon will you find clarity. Ultimately, it's important to trust and believe in your intuition to see beyond what's in front of you.
The Star - divine favour . renewal . new beginnings
You have drawn the Star tarot card. This card represents contentment in your life and a newfound positivity borne from adversity. You are balanced and rejuvenated, inspired by the universe and what it has to offer. Say hello to a new dawn of stability in yourself and your surroundings.
The World - love . health . money
When the World is at your feet, prepare to have it all. The World tarot card is the final card of the Major Arcana or tarot trump sequence and represents unity and wholeness. When this card appears in your tarot reading, it will remind you to persevere no matter what difficulties and difficulties you encounter. The seeds you planted are now blooming and you are reaping the fruits of your labor. Everything has come together and you are in the right place, doing the right thing and realizing your vision.
The Fortune- good fortune . change . balance
You are working to reach your goals and manifest great positive change into your life. In love, this card may indicate you are soon to find your soulmate or if in a relationship this may be The One! Positive change and cycles are the theme of this card. Remember: the light you put into the universe will be greatly rewarded.
- Category: Bracelet
- Origin: India
- Pendant Size: 0.5“*0.9“(12.5*22.3mm)
- Chain Length: 6.7“+1.7“(17+5cm) Length
- Each Set weight: Approx 10g
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